Personal Data Processing Information EX ART. 13 EU 2016/679

Calzaturificio Fratelli Soldini S.p.a., located at Via Veneto, 32 (Capolona_AR), in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27/04/2016 on “the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data” (hereinafter, the “Regulation”), wishes to inform you regarding the processing of the personal data that we will carry out.

The data you provide when registering on this website for the newsletter subscription and/or for purchasing products is necessary to fulfill the requested service.

Article 13 of the Regulation states that when the Data Controller collects data directly from the data subject, they must provide a series of specific information, which we outline below.

Data Controller of the provided personal data is Calzaturificio Fratelli Soldini S.p.a., with registered office at Via Veneto, 32 (Capolona_AR).
Your data will be processed lawfully, fairly, and transparently, ensuring that it is accurate, adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary for the following purposes:

  • Online sales of our products
  • Contact request via the website or newsletter subscription
  • Promotional activities carried out by sending newsletters and/or SMS to provide you with information and/or commercial offers.

Providing consent for processing your personal data is optional regarding the purpose indicated in item (c). Should you no longer wish to receive promotional activities, you may withdraw your consent by sending an email to: DPO@calzaturificiosoldini.it or by postal service to:
Calzaturificio Fratelli Soldini S.p.a., located at Via Veneto, 32 (Capolona_AR).
Once consent withdrawal is received, Calzaturificio Soldini will cease to process data for the purposes mentioned in item (c).

Regarding the above purposes, personal data will be processed exclusively by Calzaturificio Fratelli Soldini staff and collaborators. Outside of these circumstances, the data will not be disclosed to third parties or disseminated, except as specifically provided by national or EU law.

For the purposes of points (a) and (b), the Controller will process the personal data for the necessary time and in any case, not beyond 10 years from collection.
For the purpose mentioned in point (c), the Controller will process the personal data for the necessary time and, in any case, not beyond 36 months from obtaining consent to processing. Please note that consent may be withdrawn at any time without affecting the lawfulness of processing carried out before such withdrawal.

Furthermore, we inform you that, regarding the aforementioned processing, as provided by the Regulation, you may request from the Data Controller access to your personal data (Art. 15), rectification (Art. 16) or deletion (Art. 17) of the data, restriction of processing (Art. 18), or object to processing (Art. 21), as well as the right to data portability (Art. 20).

Additionally, you may exercise the rights mentioned in the previous paragraph by contacting the Data Controller via the following methods:

Under the Regulation, if the Data Controller fails to comply with your request within the terms provided by Art. 12, you have the right to file a formal complaint with the Data Protection Authority (Art. 77) following the procedures indicated on the Authority’s website at http://www.garanteprivacy.it/home/modulistica, or to seek a judicial remedy (Art. 79).

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